
The weather in the Solomon Islands is tropical and equatorial, with warm air & water temperatures all year round. Daytime temperatures average 30°C (around 87°F) with moderate to high humidity, depending on the time of year. Night time temperatures are generally in the low 20’s (around 70°F). Late afternoon storms are common all year round, but the wetter period – from December to March – is generally hotter and more humid. June and July can be breezy at times. Most days have extensive calm periods.


As with many tropical zones, the Solomon Islands is a malaria-prone area. Imagination Island strives to be mosquito-free. However, we recommend that all precautionary measures be undertaken. Appropriate malarial medication should be taken. Insect repellant should be used. Long sleeve shirts and trousers are recommended for dawn and evening time whilst in Honiara and villages.


Imagination Island is supplied by rainwater, which is stored in tanks and used for washing and showers.
Bottled mineral water is recommended for drinking and available for purchase on Imagination Island.


Light, casual clothing is recommended for Imagination Island.
Custom protocol for women: Whilst in the presence of local people, especially in traditional villages, women are encouraged to cover their thighs (e.g. sarong or non-brief shorts).
Suitable footwear is recommended: for walking on land, a pair of sneakers or sandals; for hiking sneakers; for walking in shallow water a pair of wetsuit boots or reef shoes.
We advise all guests to bring a light raincoat, as much travelling in the Solomons is in the open (ie open boats etc).
We also recommend guests bring a small torch.


The unit of currency in the Solomon Islands is the Solomon Dollar. At Imagination Island we also accept USD, Euros, AUD and major credit cards.

Honiara Airports:

If you have a domestic connection to catch, then you should be aware  that the domestic terminal is located about a five minute walk, or one minute taxi ride along an unsealed road.

Travel Insurance, incorporating medical evacuation, is compulsory for all divers at Imagination Island Resort.,

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